Jump on the MetaverseMonth wagon with The Dots
Techsense team I 8:10 pm, 28th January

The Dots is proud to announce a new initiative - never before seen in Luxembourg or abroad - with the launch of the #MetaverseMonth, a series of events taking place throughout the month of May.
The event's program will cover such topics as cryptoassets, e-commerce, gaming, customer behavior, blockchain, NFTs, cybersecurity, ethics, Web 3.0, personal data protection, regulation issues, to name a few. The project aims at involving the market's key movers and shakers as well as the newbies. Welcome to a vision of the future where the metaverse is taking shape as the next major breakthrough in economics.
Don't miss the Finverse Forum!
This disruptive agenda will culminate on May 18 with the Finverse Forum, one of the highlights of the Tech, Innovation & Digital scene in 2022. The Finverse Forum will gather entrepreneurs, investors, collectors, artists, lawyers, and regulatory representatives around keynote, awareness, fireside chat, and exchange sessions.
"We The Dots think that, 20 years after the first steps of Second Life, the age of the metaverse is upon us", states Kamel Amroune, Founder and CEO of The Dots. "We definitely believe that the metaverse is going to profoundly change the way people work, live, and entertain themselves.”
Be part of the next hit event!
NFT Artwork: The Dots will produce a NFT artwork in partnership with French painter and sculptor Raphaël Laventure, which will be offered for sale in April.
Get involved: Take part in the #MetaverseMonth by organizing an event. Pick a topic or a target audience and add your event to the program.
Attend: The #MetaverseMonth is for everyone interested in tech, innovation and digital. Have fun and learn by joining an event near you.
More information on https://themetaversemonth.com/
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