How digital transformation has changed the book publishing scene
Techsense team I 7:39 pm, 1st November publishing industry, over the last decade, has undergone a sea change. Digital technologies have been the real game-changer for the book publishing world. The explosion of digital devices including cell phones, tablets, and Kindle, along with print-on-demand production techniques and social media marketing have combined to bring about the profound transformation.
Who Drives Digital Transformation? CMO, CIO, CEO, or All of Them?
Techsense team I 8:01 pm, 27th October
About a decade ago, several bold companies took a game-changing leap of faith toward digital transformation, while other companies played it safe and stuck on with their legacy systems. Today, digital transformation is not a choice – it’s a necessity. As more businesses pave the way for digital transformation, the one question that still confuses everyone is who will take responsibility for and drive digital transformation.
Digitaliser les rapports entre assurés, professionnels de la santé et organismes d'assurance maladie
Techsense Team I 2:14 pm, 22nd October
En date du 20 octobre 2021, Romain Schneider, ministre de la Sécurité sociale, et Paulette Lenert, ministre de la Santé et ministre déléguée à la Sécurité sociale, en présence de Christian Oberlé, président de la Caisse nationale de la santé (CNS) et Dr. Alain Schmit, président de l'AMMD, ont présenté lors d'une conférence de presse les avancées en matière de digitalisation de l'assurance maladie-maternité.
Yuval Noah Harari: "Un virus numérique représente un danger bien plus grand qu’un virus biologique"
Techsense team I 11:31 am, 18th October
Dans une interview accordée à La Repubblica, l’historien israélien expose les risques d’un monopole des géants du web. "Si les inégalités résidaient autrefois dans les possessions foncières, elles résident aujourd’hui dans les big datas."
Customer Centricity : The X Factors
Michaël Renotte I 10:53 am, 11th October
Introduced by John Psaila, Managing Partner of Deloitte Luxembourg, and moderated by Sarah Khabirpour, the 10th edition of Deloitte's Horizon conference was held on September 28 in a hybrid mode. In 2022, Deloitte will offer its event a brand new format. In the meantime, this year's phygital event gathered 50 onsite attendees and 250 online participants. This paper is the third of a series of four, and it focuses on Nancy Rademaker's intervention at the conference.
How to make the move from Traditional to Digital
Empirys I 5:05 pm, 24th September
Moving to digital is not only a trendy thing to do but is a business imperative in the post-pandemic era. From increasing productivity and revenue, streamlining data management to enriching customer experience, digital transformation offers multiple benefits.Digital transformation begins with the creation of a digital transformation strategy that is aimed at fully leveraging the opportunities and the potential of new technologies. The digital transformation journey requires a clear roadmap and a staged approach that involves multiple stakeholders and going beyond external and internal limitations. As the transformation is an ongoing journey, the roadmap needs to be flexible enough to allow goals to move.